I've been arranging a bit of a gathering for a while now.
Out of an original 23 who said they would be able to attend its down to FOUR!!
Plus 3 still undecided.
We're only a couple of weeks away from the event and its making me a little sad. So instead of counting the people who are not coming I'm trying realllllly hard to be excited about the 4 who are, and still holding out hope that the 3 undecided will make their decision in my favour soon.
I've already had to re write my menu plan and cancel accommodation.
Edit: Just to clarify and to put straight the person who has submitted comments laughing at me for only having 4 people in my life. The 23 I mentioned are those who were flying in from other countries for the party. As it stands now, there are nine people who have bought tickets to come to another country to join in the festivities. And I'm really looking forward to introducing them to my new circle of friends here.
Sad is opening up the mail and seeing NO invitation! NOW, I'm sad.
Ah, what the . . . I can't travel anyways. Damn budget.
I plan on enjoying a local FAV, a chili cheese hot dog with PLENTY of onions! mmmmmm... lucky boy I am!
and let's not forget the Laker game.
That's SO Asia. People don't like advance planning, they like a call on the morning and to decide at the last minute. I bet some of those people will end up regretting having said no.
I live in the opposite end of the spectrum - no one does anything here last minute. ick.
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