Why are men so scared of telling the truth?
Its late, I'm tired, but I have to just ask.
Why are men so bloody scared of saying the truth about the simple things? I found out this evening that 2 different men have lied to me about 2 different but very simple situations - if either of them had told me the truth it wouldn't have resulted in anything other than "ok, no worries" and I just can't see why they had to lie. It's only now that I know they have lied about something so stupid that I am pissed off.
I had offered something that is open to many friends of mine - I will not be offering this again - not to these men anyway.
Because they prefer to think women will get ripping at at them for the slightest reason.
Well that's one of the reason. Another reason might be that the men might have thought you shouldn't be bothered with it.
It all boils down to that some men will only tell the truth IF it helps them in some way. Lot's of people are like that and then their are the types that don't know how to fib.
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