Shelf life
OK, just to really rub it in, the child upstairs woke me today with the TFWM again.
As I checked my emails between gentle sips of water (still got a delicate tummy) I see an email from my aunt, letting me know that cousin S has got engaged after years of living in sin.
So I spent today humming TFWM which must have seemed very strange to everyone that knows me and quietly feeling sorry for myself that I really was the last one on the shelf in the family - and how this will be pointed out to me by every single relation* at my sibling's upcoming nuptials this summer.
Quick chat with my sis about some other family business and I mentioned it, she burst out laughing and reminded me about our rather 'odd' and very effeminate 2nd cousin P - and how he isn't married either - so I'm not quite the only one left!
*It's the prospect of the nose rubbing and the pitiful comments from the family that annoys me rather than the actual fact, they all seriously see me as having failed in life because I've not got married and had babies. Of course what makes this harder to deal with is that I'd love to be loved and have babies! I've just got to go prepared with some good answers to the questions that are going to be thrust at me every time I turn around.
If you think this post sounds familiar, then you are correct.
Just want to let you know that you are not the only one that get nagged.
I know how you feel!
Maybe the best answer is a very wicked one! Maybe a little update on your mast fantasy an who might be in it.
At my brother's wedding I was asked several times when my turn was coming. Anticipating this, I had the following answer ready:
"Well, her dad says we can get married in a couple years when she turns 15."
Now that's comedy.
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